All What You Must-Do & Must-Not-Do

Photo by Natalie Dupin from As we lead our lives as seniors it is most important to look out for ourselves. W e need to do so primarily to lead a quality life in our senior years and to not create trouble for others. Our spouse, our children, our family, our friends, our doctor, etc. What are the ESSENTIALS i.e. what is it that we Must-Do and Must-Not-Do in order to be okay and be taking care of ourselves . So as to not cause distress to ourselves or loved ones? What Seniors Must Do Some forms of Exercise for the Body & Mind – Walking, Yoga, Stretching, Strength Training with Weights, Squats & Lunges. Better still do all of these. Or just Walk for about half an hour daily. Exercise as per your capability and health conditions WHY? Exercise is proven to help improve Strength, Flexibility, Balance, and Cardiovascular health. Exercise helps keep your ...