Confessions of a Senior Gym Exerciser-Taking That Nervous Anxious First Step Is Important
Image from Canva I have just returned from my first session at the gym. Three years into my retirement I eased into a relaxed life. A little bit of cooking, some cleaning, lots of reading, and quite a lot of TV & movies. Some writing and going out on occasion. That summed up my post-retirement routine The kilos kept adding on and soon I was at my heaviest ever. I started walking indoors. I have to confess that with age came an enhanced fear of walking outside, on the streets. I had fallen on two occasions, one when I was in my early sixties and the other a few months later. The latter was an embarrassing one, in front of many people! Worse, due to the impact of the fall, my pants tore at the kneecap. .. Ug...