
Showing posts from February, 2024

Seniors-You Can Mold & Optimize Your Brain at Any Age - Contributed by Dr Sandeep Vaishnavi* MD, Phd & Dr Vani Rao** MD, DFAPA, FANPA

                                          Canva Design Modified by Blog Owner Santalakshmi You Can Mold and Optimize your Brain Functioning. That’s because of neuroplasticity of the brain What is Neuroplasticity?  Neuroplasticity is the capability of the brain to mold and change. A long time ago, we believed that the brain is static and unchangeable. In fact, there is an old saying that old dogs can’t learn new tricks. But this is wrong. The brain has plasticity – it is not hardwired and fixed; it is moldable and changeable. It can flex, change, and form new pathways when stimulated. Old dogs can learn new tricks and so can humans! Every time we learn something new, the brain changes a little. And if repeated continuously, new pathways can be formed. This is true for both young and the old. Of course, neuroplasticity is at its peak in the very young, children, and early adult...

Understanding and Addressing Depression in Old Age By Dr SHANTHI NAMBI, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Prof & Head, Dept of Psychiatry, Saveetha Medical College, Chennai-India

                      Canva Design Modified by Blog Owner Santalakshmi What is Depression? As individuals age, it's essential to recognize that depression is not an inherent aspect of the aging process. Contrary to misconceptions, it is a biological disorder, a medical illness, and a public health concern that, like heart disease or diabetes, can be effectively treated. However, the complexities surrounding depression in old age often lead to inadequate recognition and treatment. Recognizing Depression: Not a Normal Part of Aging Depression is not a natural consequence of growing older. Acknowledging it as a treatable medical condition, similar to other illnesses, is crucial. Despite its treatability, depression is poorly understood and frequently goes unrecognized. Proper treatment can yield positive results, with up to 80% of affected individuals recovering and experiencing an improved quality of life. Handling Fears and Concerns ...